Saturday, October 8, 2011

La Vie Quotidienne; The Daily Life

I've settled into a somewhat of a routine here. Granted, all of it will probably change in a week when I start teaching, but for now, here is a little taste of daily life in Saint-Denis.

6:30--We get up! The sun rises around 6:15, and Schafer gets up to go teach in the workshop she signed up for on break. I get up and eat breakfast...I am a morning person here!

Yep. That's an article about another shark attack. At least once per week now....prob staying out of the water for a while...

7:00--I walk to the other end of Rue de Paris in search of Wi-Fi, either to a cafe for another cup of coffee, or to the park next to the McDonald's. I catch up on emails, plot addresses I'm going to visit for the day on the map, etc. etc.

just a-walkin down the street...

9:00--I go back home. I study French! Watch French T.V, read Le Petit Prince, do some Rosetta Stone. I filmed a little bit of the soap opera I was watching yesterday because it was so hilarious, and if I ever figure out uploading videos here I will share it with you. It is so awesome there are no words. Additionally, we watched the French dubbed version of "Who's the Boss" this morning. Yes.

11:00-- I go on some kind of morning-time adventure. For example, grocery shopping, meeting up with my Agent for some reason, waiting at the apartment for the conceirge or landlady to come fix things that are broken, (like....the microwave that doesn't stop, the hot plate that hasn't turned off in two days, the gas stove top that doesn't turn on, the fact that we have no hot water...) etc etc.

12:00--Lunch!! Usually something like this, but the other day my french parents picked me up and I had a picnic with them and their family.

bread and cheese, tuna salad!
13:00--I take a nap. It's okay to be jealous.

I have to wear a sleep mask because the constant amazing sunlight and good weather disrupts my sleep! 
15:00--I go on an afternoon adventure. Lately, these adventures have all been dealing with getting ready for the fashion show, which was last night and was a seriously amazing experience. We started with hair/make-up at 4, and the show was at 8. They told us at 7 we could've invited two people, ahha. But luckily for me, my roommie was only blocks away so she came with another of the assistants to cheer me on! I was SO nervous but the show was amazing and I even got applause on my last dress (because of the dress, not me, but was still a great feeling!) The other models were SO nice to me and helped me as much as they could to understand the directions in French. We had so much fun, and after, the head of my agency came and congratulated me...and asked if we could meet weekly so I could help her learn english!! So I'm thinking this is a good sign for future jobs :-)

20:00--usually (unless there's a random fashion show...) Schafer and I will walk back to Macdo for some WiFi action again!~ 

22:00--Bed time!! The sun sets early, at 6:30, so by 10 I am super tired! 

And there you have it!! That is how I've been spending my days :-) What a rough life I lead...


  1. You look stunning! I'm glad the fashion show was a success! Are you going to come home and continue to call McDonald's MacDo? I will support that decision if you do!

  2. thanks elaina! and YES to you know the French word for make-over is "looking?" We will do the reverse in TExas....bring random french words into daily vocab ahha.
