Friday, February 21, 2014

Why Baby??

Why do people have kids?

Here are the reasons I could come up with:
1.) They like kids.
2.) They want to pass on their knowledge.
3.) They want a part of themselves to exist after they are gone.
4.) They want to have a cute family life.
5.) They want someone to take care of them when they are old. 

As a married woman approaching 30, I feel a kind of social pressure to "get going" on this making new people thing. It's been on my mind a lot lately.

Except there are some problems: 

I don't really like kids. I mean, they are cute in small doses, but if we're being honest here, I don't really enjoy being around them for long periods of time. Of course, there are exceptions because I do know some pretty cool kids. But it's more like a 1:10 ratio.

People are always saying it helps to make a pro/con list to sort out difficult decisions. I'm not sure if a pro/con list has actually ever worked for anyone. It certainly hasn't worked for me. First of all, some points just carry more weight than others! So I have to award bonus points which can get pretty confusing. And then, after wasting a bunch of time making a list, deciding on a fair bonus point system, and calculating the results...the whole thing just ends up in a crumpled pile, much like my math homework back in school.

But you know, just to play along, here's my Baby (?) Pro/Con List:

1.) I don't like kids.
2.) Knowledge can be passed on to other people who are not your kids.
3.) I'm a spiritual person who believes physical death isn't the end. So I don't have a need to "leave my mark" on this Earth.
4.) I wouldn't want my kids to feel forced to take care of me when I'm old. 
5.) There are already too many people in this world, and too many orphans who need homes.
6.) I have a lot of things I would like to do with my own life.

I've found that it's kind of a controversial subject. Everyone gets so defensive about their choices, and seem so ready to attack someone else's. The childless are sad, selfish for wanting to do what they want with their lives, and meaningless. The child makers are also labeled selfish for adding to the problem of overpopulation, world hunger, and consumerism, and their desire to leave a part of themselves on Earth is judged as narcissistic. I think it's unfair, to be called "selfish" for either having or not having kids. For following your heart one way or another. But the judgement and name calling isn't necessary, nor will it affect anything.

Anyway, back on topic, my Pro List:
1.) I am worried that one day I'll regret it if I don't.
2.) Richard is undecided but I think he is secretly leaning towards having kids one day.
3.) I like the idea of a cute family life, the one in pictures where you're watching movies together on Friday night, eating popcorn. (Does that really exist?)
4.) I think it would be an interesting experience.

So I don't know. I feel like a couple on the Pro List should get some bonus points...but then I see my Mommy friends on Facebook posting stuff like this:

And especially that website, "Why My Kid Is Crying:"

And it's funny, and I laugh...I get it...but in no way do I want that to be my life. Like not AT ALL. So that feeling of complete NO ends up getting 100 bonus points and thus, the Cons win.

Is this normal??!!

So I have a favor to ask. Unfortunately, being a parent is not one of those things you can "test out" to see if you like it. So I have to rely on you, my family and friends who have decided to have/not have children.

If you have a minute, and an opinion, send me a message (private if you prefer!)
I'm really interested to hear about your experiences...

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