Thursday, January 3, 2013

Farewell, 2012.

2012 was awesome because I traveled a lot. (Reunion Island, South Africa, Paris, London, New York, Austin, Dallas, Detroit, Chicago, Macinac Island, and of course, Gaylord!) And as always with travel, comes a new viewpoint and new attitude on life. 2012 was also a little rocky at times, because I had to make some difficult decisions about which fork in the road to take.

Here are two of the most important things I've learned in 2012:

One: Don't settle. If for some reason you don't like where your life is at the moment, change it. I promise you, you have the power to do that. Change it as many time as you need to feel like you've got the right combination. Sometimes it's scary, because the thing you might want is unknown, and the unhappiness/unsatisfiedness you're living in now is safe and not unbearable. I completely understand this dilemma. But if you're living with a quiet but uncomfortable nagging feeling in the back of your head that's saying "this isn't exactly right..." I would take the leap just to see. One of my favorite quotes by Anais Nin: "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful that the risk it took to blossom."

Two: Another quote. "Do not chase people. Be you, do your own thing, work hard. The right people who belong in your life will come to you, and will stay." It's sad to realize that sometimes we outgrow relationships in our life because we are no longer the same people. But don't keep wasting your time being the only person making an effort in a relationship---any relationship. That time is better spent appreciating and developing relationships in your life that work both ways.

A little 2012 Flashback:

I've loved writing this blog. Not only does it give me motivation to journal for the first time in years, it's become very therapeutic. I love sharing my life with you--my family and friends (and maybe whoever accidentally stumbles on this page from time to time.)  Whenever I've doubted myself, you've always been right here with me to cheer me up or cheer me on.

My New Year's resolution is put more of an effort into the positive, enriching relationships in my life that sometimes I take for granted. I'm also going to make it my mission to get back on stage, performing in some capacity!

I hope that 2013 is a magical year for all of us.
And remember I'm always here if you ever need to talk. xoxo 

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