Saturday, November 19, 2011

Oh, The Places You'll Go!

This past week, the assistants who teach elementary school levels had a kind of "teaching workshop" where we learned about the French education system and methods for teaching young children a second (well in this case, third) language. In general, it was pretty helpful...but it definitely would have been more helpful to get this info before I spent a month teaching blindly...

The workshop was held in a city called Le Tampon (...) which is an hour away by car, and two hours away by bus. They told us we were on our own for lodging, travel, and I was a little stressed. That's when Sylvie came to the rescue. It turns out that her boyfriend, Manu, lives in Le Tampon, just a short distance away from the place where the workshop was being held! She goes down there almost every night, and said they would be glad to have me stay with them for the week!!

It was amazing to be part of their lives for a week. Here are some of the things we did:

Went to go watch Manu's handball team. Handball is a riot to watch. The spectators are very into it, the game is slightly...violent, and it's pretty fast paced! 

Watched Sylvie at choir practice....the two guys to the right are Pascal and Theirry, an amazing couple who live in a big, gorgeous house with a lovely pool. They let me swim in the back while I listened to them sing beautiful four person hymns...then suddenly they started singing White Christmas ( my favorite Christmas song!!) and I admit, I might have burst into tears a little. Later, though, they let me come sing the English songs with them and it was incredible! 

A big group of Sylvie's friends came with us to her mom's house in Cilaos. Cilaos is easily my favorite city here so far. You have to swerve up a mountain side in your car for an hour and a half to get there, but it's so worth it. It's this little city tucked in the middle of all the highest mountains. Everywhere you turn, they tower above you. We went on a  breathtaking hike there and had a lovely Creole dinner after. 

Rafted down the rapids in Saint-Benoit. The pictures are from this one part where you get out of your boats, walk back up the rapid you just went down, and then go down the rapid without the boat!! I was terrified, but if you lay right, you just kind of slide over the rocks when you hit one....Sylvie was a little sick and the water was really cold, so she stayed out of this one and took pics for us :-) 

I got a French boyfriend. His name is Blackie and he is one of Manu's dogs. He loves me a lot. Every time I went outside, he would run up to greet me and jump up and give me hugs and kisses. Then...I learned one of his brothers at Manu's mom's house has babies now!! You have no idea how thoroughly I considered taking one back to Texas with me....

Checked out the market in Saint-Pierre. Strawberries and mangos are in favorites!! 

It's been a pretty amazing week and I have some wonderful friends.

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated Thanksgiving my dear. We are om our way to pick up Brian and head to my sisters for stuffing ourselves! We are loving your adventures. Xxoo
