Friday, March 14, 2014

The Mice Will Play.

Richard is in Paris this week on business and I'm on a pseudo-vacation since school is on a break.

I intended to do a whole lot of nothing (aside from teaching my adult lessons) but somehow lots of stuff happened:

1.) Tried to meditate, but it was right before bed and I freaked myself out by thinking I was going to see ghosts. Too scared to sleep the first night alone. Slept with the light on for the rest of the week.

2.) Went to a big party for International Women's Day with Elena. Decided it was not our scene. Celebrated instead at a fancy restaurant telling secrets over fois gras and raw salmon with algae-butter.

3.) Got really lost when going to an acting/photo shoot. GPS guided me up a mountain to a corn field and proudly proclaimed "you have reached your destination!" I cried.

4.)"Acting/photo shoot" turned out to be a kiss. The actor had just flown in from Paris (it's for a popular French T.V. show which is kinda cool, and made Richard a little less "stop agreeing to weird things.") We shook hands, said our names. I have no idea what he said, but I'm kinda sure I saw him on TV a few days later.

5.) One night while not sleeping (so the ghosts can't get me,) I made a super-awesome iphone video of my birthday photos before removing them off my phone:

6.) Got called in to redo the kiss in a new location. Found out they were paying me! It costs 86 euros ($120) to kiss me. Richard was informed of the price augmentation.

7.) Hosted "Vegetarian Dinner and a Movie" night at my place. We made Quinoa Chili. It was so delicious that I ate the leftovers for every meal after until it was gone. 

8.) Attended an informative (and mandatory) "How to Integrate Into France" class for all the foreigners deciding to live here permanently. Learned lots about taxation. It's a form of brotherhood. Test Question.

9.) Had Elena over for dinner and made hummus (the best ever, btw) and ceviche.

10.) Did an early morning hike with Rachelle. She delivered an impassioned speech about women's rights. Got chills even though it was 100 degrees.

Annnnd...(drum roll)

Converted my blog into a hard cover book! (For me-- not to sell or anything crazy like that.)

Book Two seems to have a pretty great start.
It's been quite a productive week :-)


  1. love it! ok so i havent been keeping up with your posts, but i want to know more about your fear of ghosts? what is there to be afraid of? i think even if spirits are real, you should know that you are in control of every situation, in your mind and in the outside world. if you feel the connection with Mother Earth and this universe, it will help you know that all is well. even at night, at the flat all alone ;)

    1. I totally agree with you...and that's what scares me!! I know that scary things won't manifest if I am not afraid. My problem is that I AM afraid. Of the unknown, of weird things, etc. Sometimes when I meditate, I see things or feel things touching me which shouldn't be scary but it freaks me out because it's not what my mind says is "normal." Anyway, all this to say that I have a mental block and sometimes (like when I'm alone at night!) the fear overtakes me!
