Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Month in the Life

A few years back, one of my "New Year Projects" was to take photos every day for one month. It got a little difficult on those days when nothing interesting happened, but it turned out that those days yielded the most interesting photos, because I had to search harder. It is one of my favorite albums because it really showed life. Random and beautiful.

So at the end of October, when a friend posted this on facebook, I decided to make it my November project. It was different, because instead of just taking pictures of anything, I had a specific theme to follow. Some days I missed, and some days I  switched themes because I had better pictures, but here's what life looked like in November...

Day 1: Favorite Food. This is at the restaurant next to our apartment in St. Gilles. The ice cream was creme brulee, chocolate, and caramel. yum.

Day Two: Smile. We were at Diana Dea Lodge.

Day Three: Happiness. We hung this on our door the next morning and slept late in the most comfortable bed in the world. It was heaven.

Day 4: Leaves. These are outside Richard's parent's house and they are just lovely.

Day 5: Morning Sky. From the balcony in our apartment.

Day 6: Books. I was doing a lot of studying at the time...

Day 7. Something funny. Translate fail.

Day 8: Favorite color. Blue.

Day 9: Inspiring Person. Incredible, Incredible man. Great documentary.

Day 10: Nature. It was a wonderful day for scuba diving!

Day 11: Something old. Banyan trees are all over Reunion. They are my favorite. They grow roots from the top of the tree down to the ground, and never stop growing. They are a source of mythology as well...children are taught never to point directly at the trees because it might offend the spirits that live inside...

 Day 13: Written Word. A well-timed fortune cookie.
Day 14. Movement. Grand Central Station never sleeps.

Day 15. Technology. Remember when video phones were on the Jetsons as a thing of the future?

Day 16: Animals

Day 17. Memories. I don't know why this picture insists on being sideways!! But my Dad and I were going through old photos, and it made me miss my Grandma.

Day 19: Best Friend. Charlie <3

Day 20: Seasonal. I picked up this ornament for my parents while I was in Paris, and we hung it on the tree immediately :)

Day 21: Where you sleep. My room chez mes parents.

Day 22. Clothes. Chinatown, NYC.
Day 24: Grateful. For time spent with family.
Day 25: Artwork. I love sculpture. This one was my favorite at the Met in NYC.

Day 26: Transportation. My favorite kind.

Day 27: Daily Routine. I really could not think of something I could use as my "daily routine" because to have a daily routine, you have to have somewhat of a stable life. Which I do not have. This photo is of my parent's tea collection, which I suppose is the closest thing I have to a daily routine while I'm staying with them :-) I know it's a daily routine for them, because i rearranged the tea a little bit for this photo and Sue totally called me on it hahaa.

Day 28: Nighttime. With my best friend and travel buddy :)

Day 29. Lights!

Day 30: Self portrait.

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